
esprit de pavie

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產區:聖埃美隆區(Saint Emillon) 葡萄:梅洛(Merlot) ,品麗珠(Cabernet Franc) 酒精度:14.5% 容量: 750ml 年份:2015 酒精發酵在溫控大桶中自然開始。經過數週的大桶發酵後,蘋果酸乳酸發酵在大桶中進行。這些葡萄酒在柏菲酒莊和蒙布斯凱酒莊曾經使用過的酒桶中陳釀 15 個月。 Alcoholic fermentation starts naturally in temperature-controlled vats. After several weeks of vatting, malolactic fermentation takes place in vats. The wines are aged for 15 months in barrels that have already been used once for Château Pavie and Château Monbousquet.

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