
Angove Long Row – Cabernet Sauvignon

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產地:南澳洲(South Australia) 葡萄:赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 酒精度:14.5 容量: 750ml 年份:2021 酒體呈深紅色並帶有紫色色調。 具有成熟紅色漿果的複雜層次香氣融合在一起,輔以微妙的橡木味。 豐富的口感與最初的味道相呼應伴隨著令人愉悅的一點鹹味元素,黑醋栗、精緻的單寧和柔和的橡木交相融合餘韻悠長。 COLOUR :Deep crimson with purple hues. AROMA: Intricately layered aromas of ripe red berries meld seam lessly with savoury undertones and a hint of red pepper, complemented by a subtle oak influence. FLAVOUR :The opulent palate boasts flavours that echo the initial burst of berries and intricate capsicum nuances, accompanied by pleasing savoury elements, touches of cassis, refined tannins, and a soft oak finish. 購買6支以上可聯絡 WhatsApp:62995799 領取免運費碼。

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